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Material for a training on portable GPU programming

GPUs are increasingly used in scientific computing. Unfortunately, multiple vendors have their own programming model for GPUs, e.g, CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs and HIP for AMD GPUs. This makes it difficult to write portable code that can run on different GPUs. This training will focus on programming paradigms that can be used to write portable code for GPUs.

Currently, the training is in preparation and will be extended in the near future. For now, the training covers OpenMP offloading and using the Kokkos library.

Learning outcomes

When you complete this training you will be able to


Total duration: 6 hours, split over two sessions.

Session one: OpenMP offloading

Total duration: 2 hours

Subject Duration
introduction to OpenMP and motivation 5 min.
OpenMP worksharing on device target 35 min.
hands-on session 20 min.
coffee break 5 min.
data movement between host and device 35 min.
hands-on session 20 min.
wrap up 5 min.

Session two: Kokkos

Total duration: 4 hours

Subject Duration
introduction to Kokkos 5 min.
Kokkos programming model 10 min.
Recap of C++ features 15 min.
Kokkos execution spaces & dispatch 40 min.
How to build a Kokkos application 5 min.
hands-on session 20 min.
coffee break 10 min.
Kokkos memory spaces & views 60 min.
hands-on session 20 min.
error handling 10 min.
multi-level parallellization: teams 40 min.
additional topics 10 min.
wrap up 5 min.

Training materials

Slides are available in the GitHub repository. as well as example code and hands-on material.

Target audience

This training is for you if you need to develop portable code for GPUs.


You will need experience programming in C, C++ or Fortran for the OpenMP offloading part of the training. Also note that this part of the training assumes you are already familiar with OpenMP.

For the Kokkos part of the training you will need experience programming in C++. Basic experience with CMake will help.
